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HTML Formatting

A number of tags are available to format the text in HTML. They are all displayed below:

  • <i>= writes italic text
  • <strong>= writes important text
  • <b>= writes bold text
  • <em>= writes emphasized text
  • <h1>= creates a heading
  • <mark>= creates marked text
  • <small>= writes small text
  • <del>= creates deleted (strikethrough) text
  • <ins>= dispays inserted text in underline fashion
  • <sub>= creates subscript text
  • <sup>= creates superscript text

Examples of formatted text:

    <!-- formatting tags -->
  <i>Some random text</i>
  <strong>Some random text</strong>
  <b>Some random text</b>
  <em>Some random text</em>
  <h1>Some random text</h1>
  <mark>Some random text</mark>
  <small>Some random text</small>
  <del>Some random text</del>
  <ins>Some random text</ins>
  <sub>Some random text</sub>
  <sup>Some random text</sup>


The result:

i = Some random text
strong - Some random text
b = Some random text
em = Some random text
h1 =

Some random text

mark = Some random text
small = Some random text
del = Some random text
ins = Some random text
sub = Some random text
sup = Some random text