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CSS Height and Width properties

The Height and Width properties in CSS define the size of the selected element on the web page.

The Height and Width properties in action:

      .size {
        height: 150px; 
        width: 300px; 
        background-color: tomato;

      <div class="size">This is a paragraph of 150px height and 300px width.</div>

The output:

This is a paragraph of 300px height and 300px width.

The Min and Max properties:

The Min and Max properties set the maximum or minimum width and height of the selected element.

      .size-me {
        min-height: 300px; 
        min-width: 300px; 
        background-color: tomato;

      <div class="size-me">This is a paragraph of 300px height and 300px width.</div>

The output:

This is a paragraph of 300px min-height and 300px min-width.

If the screen is resized the minimum height and width will be 300px.